Carpet cleaning

TeppichreinigungFrom hand-knotted oriental carpets to the fluffy woolen runner - carpets and rugs for many belong to the individual furnishing style. They differ in material, size and colour. At the latest, when the first glass of wine tips over or the carpet no longer shines brightly, the question arises how carpets can be cleaned. Usually, the simple vacuuming or shaking out is not enough for many carpets to preserve their colour and fabric in the long run. In such cases a professional cleaning helps. Especially with favourite pieces and qualitative carpets, the alternative to the amateur self-experiment is professional carpet cleaning.

Textilreinigung Pinguin takes over what exceeds the usual house cleaning. Regular vacuuming or beating of the carpets at home may remove the coarse dirt at first glance, but carpets are not hygienically clean by this procedure. Vacuuming removes the top layer of dust, sand and other dirt. If you shake out the carpet again, you will soon notice that there is still some dirt hidden in the bottom layers. The carpet base and the base fabric are the parts that are not very easy to clean at home. Each material demands a different cleaning process. Woven or knitted fabrics need a special treatment to preserve the colours and to protect the material. Apart from the differences in the care and cleaning of the carpet, there are other factors that make it difficult to clean the carpet in your own home. Sensitive fabrics need a gentle hand cleaning, for which there often is no space available. In addition, a carpet has to dry after washing. For upholstery and carpets, many people buy poor products such as cleaning powder for carpet cleaning. For expensive surfaces and upholstered furniture, however, you should avoid this type of cleaning in order to prevent discoloration.

How often is it necessary to clean or wash a carpet?

As simple as the question may sound, so few general answers can be given. Eventually, the answer depends on the degree of stress. Carpets stay in good condition if a specialist cleans them once a year or every three years if they are used less frequently. Otherwise, dirt can affect the durability of the fabric. Carpet washing is therefore also a form of care that can avert the need for repairs.

How does professional carpet cleaning work?

A professional carpet cleaning includes the applied knowledge about the different carpet variations and materials and the corresponding technique for cleaning. There are different approaches depending on the material of the carpet. When cleaning carpets, a distinction must be made between carpeted floor and individual carpets or runners. A carpeted floor can only be cleaned on site, while the carpet or runner can be passed to dry cleaners.
A thorough carpet cleaning is carried out with water and is therefore not a chemical cleaning with solvents. Washing with water and soap protects the material. A lot of water helps a lot with carpets because it helps to flush out the tiniest dirt particles. However, not every carpet fibre tolerates water. Depending on the material, other detergents may be required.
At Textilreinigung Pinguin in Berlin, carpet masters are responsible for the carpets. They consider the decisive details such as the nature of the fabric in order to clean the carpet with the right method. First of all, batting machines remove the coarse dirt. They ensure that the sand and dust that have settled are removed and that the carpet is ready for the actual cleaning. In the second step, the carpets are given a water bath and the employees work on them by hand. Using soft brushes, they gently clean the lying carpet. To maintain the shape of the carpet, the way it dries is important. Therefore, the last step is drainage and drying in a hanging position. Machine drying for certain carpets increases the risk that they will lose their shape or shrink. For this purpose, Pinguin Textilpflege uses a drying room.

Caring for and removing stains from carpets

The advantage of a professional carpet cleaning and carpet laundry lies in the hygienic cleaning of the carpet. Through a professional treatment it retains its appearance and shape longer. Other services that include carpet cleaning are fibre protection treatments or stain removal.

Stains on the carpet are a daily nuisance that are not as easy to remove as from a piece of clothing. Very few carpets can be washed in a washing machine. Therefore a carpet cleaning is recommended for stains. Because not every household product against stains can be used on a carpet without damaging it. A professional carpet cleaner knows the right method and treatment to get the carpet stain-free. But only when he has the necessary information. If you would like to get your carpet cleaned, it is best to point out the origin of the stains. Depending on the carpet fibres, not every stain can be completely removed. The faster the cleaning is done, the more likely it is that the carpet will shine again in its original condition.

Other services that carpet cleaning include on request are special treatment of fringes, impregnation, carpet repair or odour treatment. The cleaning provides a fresh smell. However, some stains such as urine stains need special treatment to eliminate unpleasant odours. Pests such as moths are another danger to the perfect condition of a carpet. Fibre treatments protect the carpet from this by making the fibres indigestible to moths. Companies that offer carpet laundry and carpet care often also clean other special textiles such as upholstered furniture. A carpet service that also includes a pick-up service simplifies the question of how the carpet can best be transported.

Carpet cleaning at Pinguin Textilpflege

Pinguin Textilpflege has many years of experience in cleaning and caring for your textiles. We take over the cleaning of your everyday laundry up to your favourite cuddly toy and leather jacket. In the area of upmarket textiles, we offer you the cleaning of curtains, blankets and carpets in addition to the textile care of garments.

Our carpet masters carry out the carpet washing and carpet care for you. They consider the special requirements of the respective material and the cleaning process takes place in a water bath. Our employees treat stains locally and with great care in order to protect the fibres and colour. We make sure that your carpets are retained for a long time. If you wish, our staff can provide additional fibre treatment to protect your carpets from pests.

In all our four Berlin branches you have the possibility to have your carpets cleaned. For larger carpets, we recommend visiting our branches on Schnellerstraße or on Schönefelder Chaussee. There, you will find parking spaces directly in front of the door.

You don't want to transport your carpet through Berlin and instead save the journey? Then use our delivery service! We pick up your carpet from all Berlin districts and bring it back to you after cleaning.

Arrange your desired date right away: 030 / 214 80 50!